Sunday, June 26, 2011

Hello Orlando!

I am blessed with amazing parents who invited me to go on a trip to Universal Studios while my husband did some manly Marine stuff. It was nice to get away since things here have been slightly stressful. I have not been to Orlando in a long time.. Things have definitely changed at Universal Studios! The Harry Potter exhibit was amazing! My husband is a huge Harry Potter fan so I have become a secret Harry Potter fan. It kind of scared me when I knew about some of the things at The Wizarding World of Harry Potter.. At the same time I was kind of impressed with myself. Unfortunately my husband was not there to be impressed with my Harry Potter knowledge. My poor mom and dad had no clue about the significance of most of the Harry Potter attractions. They were awesome though! They braved the crowds and waited in line for what totaled to be hours without a complaint! Way to hang in there mom and dad. I love them! Here are some photos from our adventure.

These are from dinner at The Palms our first night there.

Then comes the Ellen Degeneres pic! My mom and I both love her show so we took the opportunity to pretend we were at her show. Let me explain so I dont sound crazy... Ellen takes her show to Universal Studios once a year. This is the exact stage where she tapes her show! Very exciting for my mom and I!

The next day we ventured on over to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter. It was amazing and I cant wait to go with Ricky! He will love it.

The last ones are of our last night there. We were all three exausted from the crazy heat!

So thankful I had the opportunity to go and for my husband talking me into it!

Until next post...

Saturday, June 18, 2011

The beginging to an endless blog...

I am starting this blog journey off with some pics from two races my husband ran. They are both amazing accomplishments! He began running only 3 months ago and has been running full force since. I am definitely not a runner but, I think I make a pretty good cheerleader. I am one proud wife!!
These first photos are from The Marine Corp Half Marathon...

A nice sweaty hug! I love his hugs even when there sweaty hugs!
Ricky's first half marathon was a complete success!!
The photos below are from the Scenic City Trail Marathon in my hometown of Chattanooga, TN...

My Love showing off the smiley face on his calf.
I failed on taking photos at this marathon.... Boo on me.... Ricky finished in awesome time and is ready to take on another one. I will be there again to cheer him on even though they are always SO EARLY IN THE MORNING!!